Online Dating Success

Best UK Dating Site

Success Stories


Instant Magic!

The first lady I wrote to after joining turned out to be "magic" for me. It's still too early to tell if this is THE magic, but we're off to a good start! This site has exceeded any expectation I could have had! I hope it will be so for everyone who wants to narrow their search for love to those who share a spiritual approach to life!  Tim

Found! Suitable Loving...

The site is brilliant! I found exactly what I want e.g. a serious, very suitable and loving relationship based on trust, honesty, open mindedness and willingness. This website gave me the chance to find my partner in a way that suits my lifestyle. Who else but mother earth could 'do' that?!
:) vpeace xx

She started it!

Last year I took a chance on contacting someone on your site -- a no-no for a woman, according to The Rules guidebook, but a yes-yes for me! After getting to know each other for a few months, finding just the beginning of all the ways we were connected through past lives and our spiritual mission in life, we took the romantic road. It's been profound -- a journey with both joy and growth work (scary but good). Very mutually supportive, and loving. Thanks to you for providing a forum where people with out-of-the box views on life can connect.

Marin CA

Journeying Into the Future...

The site has facilitated some amazing conversations and chats in my life, and I am now journeying with someone special I met on the site. We are both very grateful for this amazing service that brought us together, thank you.

Better than E-Harmony

Jane I just was so guided this morning in yoga to thank you and the creator of this dating site. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!   I have already started an amazing connection with someone. The men on this site are awwwessssommme. Conscious, loving sincere. Wow. One week on this site has delivered better potential mates, then a year on e-harmony.  Thank you. so very grateful. I know I will be sending you a success story.
Love to you and this service.
I will be sending all my single friends and clients to your site.
Thank you,

California Vegan Meets New Yorker...

I had just about GIVEN UP on finding someone with whom I had chemistry AS WELL as who met the "criterion" of being a vegan (or on their way).  That was until a certain person contacted me, all the way from NY... I'm in CA. 

Well, despite the "2439" miles between us, our first email date was astounding... phone calls after did not disappoint, and after being on FOUR different veggie dating sites for the last FOUR years and not feeling trustworthy of chatting with but one or two people, I finally feel good about saying that we are meeting for the first...

Found! True Love!

I have found my true love and we would like to thank the site for helping make it happen!!!!! It's amazing how we are so compatible and think so alike. We hope that everyone else here will find their perfect match too.
Most thankfully and sincerely,
Erika and James

Happily Married! From Germany all...

Please be advised that I have met my soul partner on your website and am happily married. Somehow both my wife and myself were suspicious of Internet dating. Both were told by friends to register, and grudgingly did this. However, when my now wife Fatima, all the way from South Africa, looked at my profile I felt an immediate connection. After our initial chatting, we took a leap of faith and I left the comfort of Germany to meet her in South Africa. Several...

Tampa and Ashville Success

I just would like to say that I was originally very reluctant to join any sort of dating site and upon the request of my Wonderful Mother, I did. I was pleasantly surprised how many truly wonderful people I came in contact with.

It was only perhaps a few days on the site, that I met this EXTRA WONDERFUL man, that although he lives in Ashville, NC and I in Tampa, FL- the connection is one that cannot be ignored.

We have only known each other for perhaps 3 weeks and yet there is such a strong connection that we are both in a place of awe and heartfelt devotion....

Maui to Colorado!

Hi Jill,
How are you today? I cancelled my membership three months ago because I found Elizabeth who I am very excited about and we are pursuing and deep and beautiful relationship. We live 3500 miles apart and have managed to stay connected by our hearts desires. She has come to visit me in Colorado and I have been to Maui to visit her. The plan is that she will come visit me in September and stay for two months. We are both looking forward to deepening with each other.

You have a great site and I wouldn't have meet Elizabeth if it weren't for...

The Universe was orchestrating...

In January 2009 I joined your site after having seen a local poster advertising the site because I was simply curious... I never imagined that I would actually meet my life partner online!!

But within one day I received an email from a man who sounded like a wonderful, spiritual, kind-hearted soul and we began emailing each other and getting to know each other "from the inside out". Our feelings deepened for one another and by the time we actually met in person 7 weeks later, we were already in love!!

The funny thing is Peter had seen the same...

7000 Mile Success Story

On Jan 8, 2010, I met Alge from Lithuania, on your site. She is the most amazing human being and we are two soul mates who bridged the global gap through your site!!!

Although she is some 7k miles away, we have seen each other 5 times now and are deeply committed to one another with marriage on the horizon. We have filed for a fiancee visa and await the arrival as she is planning on moving to the US.

After 18 months of looking on your site and over 1400 views, Alge appeared!! There are endless numbers of beautiful souls adorning your site and I want to thank you for...

Love in Canada

I have been telling all of my singles friends about how great your site is.

I wanted to let you know about our story.  Found my amazing life partner on your site.  He actually found me as he was in Edmonton and i am in Vancouver  Your site came up.  I searched the area I was moving to and found a profile that REALLY got my attention.  I checked the compatibility and it was 100% for Intimacy and 98% for the other. He is every thing and more that I had ever wanted in a relationship. Not only the man of my dreams, but also of my conscious intent.


An Unlikely Connection!

The email arrived.  He seemed very nice, but I hadn't joined as an official member.  I let it go.  Another email arrived a few days later.  Something told me I should pay attention.  Eight months later I am sooo glad I did!!   We are experiencing a relationship that is very fulfilling, fun, and growing all the time.  Where he lives and I live, the possibility of us running into to each other  would have been highly unlikely.  Your website helped make the connection, and for that we are extremely grateful.  

Marriage in 2010!

My Lifelong Search for a loving partner has been fulfilled. Our first contact on your site was November 24, 2009. Her profile was so inviting I felt sympathetic vibrations and said I would like to meet her. It was such a relief to meet someone with a clear spiritual interest. There was a natural fit.

After two weeks, I invited her to visit. She arrived from Bogota, Colombia on December 20 for two weeks. We felt so amazingly grounded, open, loving, calm and with parallel life paths, that we became engaged December 28. We plan marriage in May 2010.

The essential and key...

I Met My Soul Mate Two Days After...

I met my Soul Mate two days after joining the site, and we drove together across the country three weeks after meeting! I joined and created my profile on 5/4/09 and immediately began the search for my ideal partner. It was overwhelming, at first, because there were many interesting people. After reviewing several profiles, I received a message on 5/6/09 from my love, after he noticed that I had viewed his profile.

He later told me, "I had a feeling that if I didn't do something (such as send a message), I would...

Love in Thailand

I found her in Thailand...this Oct!  I was going there any way with my '' Thai Dental -Mental Health Tours'' job and thought to see if anyone over there would like to meet me.

It worked beyond my greatest hopes. My profile helped her feel at ease in meeting a ''foriegn'' man and I could see she was able to speak good English and that we had so many values in common that we were a great fit... and it looks like marriage is in the future.

Thanks, as I was about to give up, but I had message time (subscription time) left after a couple of dead-enders, so why...

Sacred Union

It brings me great joy and pleasure to email you and let you know that I have met my beloved Partner through your website. I have been holding sacred space in my heart for over 25 years, and because of my spiritual focus, have not been able to meet another spiritual gay man that was able to match my vibrational frequency until a couple of weeks ago. He is a very loving kind gentle man from India, who was guided to your site a few weeks ago.

After filling out the questionnaire, mine was the only match that came up for him, so he read my profile and the rest is history. So thank you...

in love in Italy

Yes- the site really was potent and most useful in bringing us together, and I think we will both be recommending it openly to anyone with similar needs ;-) The immediate connection between our profiles and images on the site has grown -almost instantaneously- into the deepest, firmest, most committed and obviously right way forward: we feel synchronised, and very ready for very new directions in our lives and work, together...

For me, the site was a good open, in-depth and meaningful way to intend a good relationship; I like the language that you use very much, and the...

Partnership Unlike Any Other

On May 2nd, I discovered a truly amazing, beautiful and brilliant woman through your site.  Thanks to her well-written, in-depth profile - and mine - we were quickly able to recognize our compatibility.  We spoke on the phone for hours before we met, and when we did, we knew that something remarkable was taking place.  Our relationship truly blossomed a short time later, with both of us falling in love.  Today, we're creating a partnership unlike any other that we've ever experienced. 

Thanks for creating the medium that brought us...